Gordon Insurance Blog

Homeowners Insurance Claims Hints

Written by Gordon Atlantic Staff | Mon, Jun 25, 2012 @ 01:57 PM

A burst of flames, wind damage from a summer storm or water damage from a burst pipe can all cause substantial damage to your home. Submitting a homeowners insurance claim is a simple process if you follow these steps:

1. First, notify your insurance company that your home has suffered damage.

Let the company know the type and extent of damage as they will prioritize claims adjuster visits based on the severity of the claim. Give your contact information so the company can reach you to set up an appointment.

2. Document your loss

You will need to prepare for the claim adjuster visit by providing a list of damaged items. Starting a home inventory list before a loss makes this process simple.

3. Keep receipts

for any additional living expenses such as hotel or meals if you are unable to stay at your home.

4. Make temporary repairs

to prevent further damage if it is safe to do so, it is your responsibility. Make arrangements and save any receipts.

5. Keep organized

Along with receipts, keep a list of all contacts involved with the claim.

6. Don’t be a victim of a scam

Check references before giving deposits to contractors.

7. Keep your agent at Andrew Gordon Insurance informed

If we can be of any assistance with your claim.

Look to Gordon Insurance for overall risk and insurance advice. Click here for specifics on your home insurance, and view our whiteboard presentations here.