pleasure and praising

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est et expedita distinctio because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences

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Auto Insurance

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Home Insurance

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Life Insurance

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Business Insurance

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Q: What will the new company mean for my insurance coverage?

A:  We’re not an “all new” company, but rather a new version of two longstanding companies you’ve come to know and trust over the years.  This means that your insurance will continue in place as it has been, with the same company, coverages and rates.  We’ll just be able to offer you broader choices in the future.  Gordon Atlantic Insurance will continue to provide the responsive, personal attention you have come to expect, with the added benefit of being a stronger representative on your behalf, with more resources to address your changing insurance and risk needs.  


Q: Will you be moving your offices?

A: Gordon Atlantic Insurance will operate from the office where Andrew Gordon Insurance has been for several years, at 306 Washington Street (Route 53) in Norwell, right next to the Police and Fire stations.  The folks from Atlantic Advisers Insurance have moved here from Main Street in Norwell Center, as we have room to accomodate everybody.


Q: What role will Jeff Helm play?

A: An important one! Jeff is one of the most respected and admired insurance advisers and risk management professionals in the state, and he will continue to provide insurance risk and advisory services to our existing clients and to new ones.  


Q: Why did you choose to merge the two agencies to begin with?

A: Like many industries, the insurance business is changing rapidly, and we wanted to be sure we stay “ahead of the curve” for our clients.  Gordon Atlantic Insurance will have many more resources available that will allow us to continue to provide the best coverage at competitive rates.  While bigger is not always better, in this case the merger of our two firms will make a positive difference for our clients.


Q: Will Atlantic Advisers Insurance clients have to work with new representatives?

A: For now, you’ll continue to work with the same familiar faces. For everybody’s convenience, we’re keeping the Atlantic Advisers phone numbers and email addresses active.  Our two staffs already complement each other beyond what we even expected, and I think we’ll all soon see the benefits of the transition.  That said, one of our service objectives is to develop a deeper team approach so that if your regular contact is unavailable, others should be available to assist.


Q: Will the insurance companies you represent change?

A: Only when a change benefits you. We continue to have all the same carriers both agencies represented.  In fact, together we’ll work with an even wider array of carriers and underwriters, which should make our ability to protect your business, or your home, auto, boat, and personal items even more competitive and customized for you.


Q: Why did you choose the name Gordon Atlantic Insurance?

A: We thought it nicely incorporates the legacies of two great businesses. We’ve been serving individuals and businesses in an area well beyond Norwell and the South Shore for many years, and the new name is a good reflection of our wider service area.


Q: Who should I call if I have a question?

A: If you have a question about your insurance coverage, call the representative you have been working with previously.  If you have additional questions and don't have a dedicated rep yet, call us at 800-649-3252, or  click below.

Geoff Gordon, CFP®, CIC, CRM


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