Gordon Insurance Blog

Insuring your Home Inventory

Written by Natalie DiCecca | Thu, Jan 12, 2017 @ 09:59 PM

Winter is a good time to review your home inventory & to contact us to update your insurance. If you received an expensive Christmas gift, talk to us about scheduling the item separately on your policy.

Step 1: Walk Through Your Property. Compiling a comprehensive home inventory takes time and effort. The more detailed your inventory, the more useful it will be if you have to make a claim. Use your camera or cell phone to take pictures.

Step 2: Keep Your Inventory in a Safe Place.  After taking photos of your inventory, upload it to a cloud-based service. You can also purchase an external hard drive and keep it at your office. 

  • Label pictures of rooms and individual items with a description, including where you bought it and the make, model and serial number. Don’t forget inventory that may be out of sight in closets or drawers.

Step 3: Update Your Inventory Often. When you make a significant purchase, add the information to the inventory while the details are fresh in your mind. This is also a good time to delete items that you no longer own.

Step 4: Consider Valuable Items. Items like jewelry, art, and collectibles may have increased in value since you brought them home.  If you have one, make sure that you have adequate insurance coverage for these items.  This may involve an updated appraisal.  Consider putting jewelry or other valuables that you don’t often wear or use in a safe deposit box.

If you have questions, or would like a free quote, please click below.