Personal Insurance Blog

Fire Pits & S’mores

Thinking of setting up a fire pit in your back yard and enjoying s’mores with the kids on a fine fall night? Here are a few facts to consider before you strike that first match.

Thousands of Americans are injured by backyard fires every year. When you decide to build your fire be sure to take into consideration the weather – avoid building it when it’s windy or when there has been an extended period of dry weather.

Open space is best!  Avoid setting up the fire pit underneath low hanging trees, as sparks can ignite the branches and create a full blown fire. Don’t set it up too close to your home or any other building either...better safe than sorry.

Hardwood is best. Pine and cedar snap and send sparks everywhere (beware of Christmas trees!). Never, ever use treated wood, as it creates toxic smoke and leaves toxic metals in the ashes. Plus it’s illegal to burn treated wood.

Now bring out the grahams, chocolate & marshmallows and enjoy your s’mores!

Once you’ve enjoyed your fire and eaten too much, be sure to hose the pit down until it’s completely soaked. Let it sit overnight and next morning dispose of the ashes in a metal container. Double check that there are no live embers or hot spots; if so, hose down again.

Fire pits are a great source of enjoyment, but be sure to treat them with caution and always remember to be safe!

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