Gordon Insurance Blog

Donate Your Car to Charity

Written by Natalie DiCecca | Wed, Nov 19, 2014 @ 08:02 PM

If you are thinking of selling or trading your old car, why not donate it to charity instead?

This small gift to a needy charity can change lives.  In most cases the process is quick and easy and pick up is often free. 

There are so many charities now that accept donated cars, you can chose one that means the most to you; for veterans: www.CarsForVeterans.org, for child welfare:  www.kars4kids.org,    for cancer: www.CarsForBreastCAncer.org,  If you have a favorite charity, contact them.  Chances are they will accept donate vehicles.

To make it even easier, check out America’s Car Donation Center. Here you will find a list of charities that you can choose from.

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