Gordon Insurance Blog

Daylight Savings Time 2016

Written by Gordon Atlantic Staff | Fri, Mar 11, 2016 @ 07:46 PM

Daylight Savings Time

We change our clocks ahead on March 13, 2016 at 2:00AM.

Clocks go forward 1 hour in the spring and back 1 hour in the fall to make better use of the natural day light.  We will lose an hour of daylight in the morning,  but gain it back in the evening.

Most of us use Daylight Savings Time as a reminder to change the batteries in our smoke detectors.    Very important to make sure they are working each year.  They do save lives!


A little history of Daylight Saving Time:

Daylight Savings Time or DST was initiated as an energy saving measure.  By moving the clocks ahead 1 hour, people could take advantage of an extra hour of daylight.  Benjamin Franklin came up with the idea in 1784, but it wasn’t implemented in the United States until World War I.

President Woodrow Wilson signed the law initiating the US Daylight Saving Time in 1918.  After 7 months, the law was repealed, with only a few cities electing to continue DST on their own.  After the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the United States entered into World War II, DST was again implemented, only it was called “War Time”.

After the war ended, cities and state were free to observe DST, or not.  This caused mass confusion in the broadcasting and transportation industries.  In 1966, the Uniform Time Act was passed, which mandated DST from April to October each year.  States could still refuse by passing a local law.

As of 2015, DST is observed from mid-March through the beginning of November in all states except for Hawaii and parts of Arizona.  The schedule is based on the Energy Policy Act of 2005, which made DTS strictly an energy saver, rather than a wartime measure.

We will stay in Daylight Savings Time until November 6, 2016, at which time we will move the clock back 1 hour at 2:00AM.