Gordon Insurance Blog

Funny Insurance Explanations

Written by Geoffrey Gordon | Thu, Oct 06, 2011 @ 09:49 PM

The statements below are taken from actual insurance accident claims forms. They are real (according to the internet). Read, laugh, and be glad it wasn’t you.

Auto Accidents:

  • I collided with a stationary truck coming the other way.
  • The other car collided with mine without giving warning of its intention.
  • My car was legally parked as it backed into another vehicle.
  • When I saw I could not avoid a collision I stepped on the gas and crashed into the other car.
  • I started to slow down but the traffic was more stationary than I thought.
  • The accident occurred when I was attempting to bring my car out of a skid by steering it into the other vehicle.
  • I was unable to stop in time and my car crashed into the other vehicle. The driver and passengers then left immediately for a vacation with injuries.
  • The car in front of me stopped for a yellow light, so I had no choice but to hit him. (She pushed him through the intersection)

General Disaster:

  • Coming home I drove into the wrong house and collided with a tree I don’t have.
  • I thought my window was down, but I found it was up when I put my head through it.
  • As I approached an intersection a sign suddenly appeared in a place where no stop sign had ever appeared before. I was unable to stop in time to avoid the accident.
  • In an attempt to kill a fly, I drove into a telephone pole.
  • I was thrown from my car as it left the road. I was later found in a ditch by some stray cows.

Who to Blame?

  • No one was to blame for the accident but it would never have happened if the other driver had been alert.
  • I didn’t think the speed limit applied after midnight.
  • I had been shopping for plants all day and was on my way home. As I reached an intersection a hedge sprang up, obscuring my vision and I did not see the other car.
  • On approach to the traffic lights the car in front suddenly broke.
  • The accident was caused by me waving to the man I hit last week.
  • Windshield broke. Cause unknown. Probably Voodoo.
  • I left for work this morning at 7am as usual when I collided straight into a bus. The bus was 5 minutes early.
  • An invisible car came out of nowhere, struck my car and vanished.
  • I knew the dog was possessive about the car but I would not have asked her to drive it if I had thought there was any risk.

Jokes Courtesy of “Swap meet Dave- Funny Insurance Claims”

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