Gordon Insurance Blog

Don't Let the Bugs Bite

Written by Gordon Atlantic Staff | Wed, Aug 21, 2013 @ 01:14 PM

Even though the colder season is approaching, we still have a few weeks left with all the pesky bugs. Here are some ideas on how to survive the last few weeks of summer by staying bug bite free!


Mosquito season in Massachusetts typically starts in May and lasts through August. But that doesn't mean all the bugs are gone by September 1st, especially if the weather stays warm. Hopefully the cooler nights will start killing off the rest of those mosquitoes, but if they can find a way to stay alive they will.

Mosquito bites are itchy, and diseases that mosquitoes carry can spread to humans through bug bites. Such diseases include EEE and West Nile Virus. There are other diseases as well, but those two in particular come with very severe symptoms including possible death.

It's important to use bug sprays to prevent mosquitos from biting. When you use bug sprays, look for these active ingredients: DEET, Picaridin, and IR3535. The greater the percentage of these active ingredients in bug sprays, the longer your protection should last.

Also, keep in mind that if you will be wearing sunscreen and bug spray, apply the sunscreen first and then the bug spray.


Ticks also carry diseases that you want to avoid, such as lyme disease. Bug repellants that contain DEET will also provide adequate protection against ticks as well as mosquitoes. Just make sure you apply to bug spray to all exposed parts of the body.

Ticks often hide in bushes, grass, and other plants in wooded areas. If you are walking along a nature trail, be sure to stay on the trail and wear closed toe shoes. If you wear pants and long-sleeved shirts, less of you is exposed to the ticks.

If you get bitten by a tick, make sure you properly remove it, check the entirety of your body and your clothing, make sure other people with you are tick-free (don't forget pets too!), and shower.


There are other ways to prevent bug bites. Here is a short list of other bug bite prevention strategies:

  • Along with the sprays and clothing, you can avoid buggy areas during peak seasons. Check the news, they often have bug updates, especially if diseases have been found in specific areas.
  • If you want to have a summer night breeze run throughout your house, make sure all open windows and doors have screens that do not have holes in them.
  • If you are going outside, then consider screens that surround a patio.
  • A fire pit also repels bugs due to smoke. If you are having an outside gathering, consider the fire pit (as well as some delicious s'mores!)

Stay safe when it comes to bugs and bug bites. Being smart and protecting yourself could save you lots of trouble in the future. If you have any safety or insurance questions, contact Gordon Insurance anytime.